Lab member
Evaluation of accident induced indirect costs for measuring penalties on violations of laws. Transportation Research Record. (Yin, S., Chen, X., Li, M., Shi, Q., Li, Z.) Modeling and implementation of adaptive transit signal priority on actuated control systems. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. (Li, M., Yin, Y., Zhang, W., Zhou, K., Nakamura, H.*) Planning for bus rapid transit in a single dedicated bus lane. Transportation Research Record. (Li, J., Song, M., Li, M., Zhang, W.*) An offline offset refiner for coordinated actuated signal control systems. Journal of transportation engineering. (Yin, Y.*, Li, M., Skabardonis, A.) Active signal priority for light-rail transit at grade-crossings. Transportation Research Record. (Li, M., Wu, G., Li, Y., Bu, F., Zhang, W.*) Simulation of transit signal priority using the NTCIP Architecture. Journal of Public Transportation. (Liu, H.*, Skabardonis, A., Li, M.) Optimal detector location for bus signal priority. Transportation Research Record. (Liu, H.*, Skabardonis, A., Zhang, W., Li, M.)
Evaluation of accident induced indirect costs for measuring penalties on violations of laws. Transportation Research Record. (Yin, S., Chen, X., Li, M., Shi, Q., Li, Z.)
Modeling and implementation of adaptive transit signal priority on actuated control systems. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. (Li, M., Yin, Y., Zhang, W., Zhou, K., Nakamura, H.*)
Planning for bus rapid transit in a single dedicated bus lane. Transportation Research Record. (Li, J., Song, M., Li, M., Zhang, W.*)
An offline offset refiner for coordinated actuated signal control systems. Journal of transportation engineering. (Yin, Y.*, Li, M., Skabardonis, A.)
Active signal priority for light-rail transit at grade-crossings. Transportation Research Record. (Li, M., Wu, G., Li, Y., Bu, F., Zhang, W.*)
Simulation of transit signal priority using the NTCIP Architecture. Journal of Public Transportation. (Liu, H.*, Skabardonis, A., Li, M.)
Optimal detector location for bus signal priority. Transportation Research Record. (Liu, H.*, Skabardonis, A., Zhang, W., Li, M.)
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