Lab for Electrified, Automated and Data-driven Transportation
通往未来交通出行Toward the future of mobility
Automated transportation
The development of automated driving technology has promoted the transformation of traffic industry.
Electrified transportation
Alternative-fuel vehicle (e.g., electric vehicles (EVs)) can greatly reduce urban traffic pollution and …
Data-driven transportation
Traffic big data provides large space/a broad view for scholars and engineers to understand the traffic mechanism.
Joint design framework of lane geometry design and
Coordinated lane-changing scheduling of multilane
Autonomous vehicle crowdsourcing service
Network-level traffic control for connected automa
Online-to-offline mobile charging system for elect
Optimal path control in mixed flow traffic network
Planning of urban and intercity charging facilitie
Multistep speed prediction on traffic networks bas
Network-level signal coordination scheme based on
Postdoctoral Recruitment of Associate Professor Li Meng, Tsinghua University
Due to work needs, THU-LEAD is now recruiting two postdoctorals. We warmly welcome young talents all around the world to join us!
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